
Doc: Brand Abassador
Even though your cell phone will get you pretty good coverage, there’s a lot of areas where that just won’t cut it, so a secondary communication system is always a good idea.

Hawkes Outdoors Appoints Kristen Ramirez as President
"Kristen brings a wealth of experience and a visionary approach that aligns perfectly with our mission," said Brian Booker, Owner of Hawkes Outdoors.

Overlanding with your kids can be a fun and rewarding experience. By planning ahead, getting your kids involved, being prepared for the unexpected.

霍克斯内部推荐:Gator Overland 的约翰·哈特尔 (John Hartel)
在霍克斯户外活动 (Hawkes Outdoors),我们喜欢与寻求冒险的陆上游客社区接触,了解他们最喜欢的行程 - 远离人迹罕至的地方越远越好。